News & Events


Career orientation for students from high school at Vinschool

During the conference "Discovering excellent schools at Vinschool", which took place on February 26, parents and students of the High Schools joined together with Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngoc, Representative of the Board of Directors of Vinschool High School, to discuss the early career orientation for students in...
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Understanding self-help skills for preschoolers

Preschoolers are always motivated and want to serve themselves. This is a normal and healthy psychological manifestation of the child’s development. Self-help skills, also known as self-care skills, are usually divided into four main categories: self-feeding, self-dressing and grooming, personal hygiene, and voluntarily helping others with suitable tasks...
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Get ready for EDURUN 2022

Following the success of the previous series of events, in the spirit of running for health, education and community, EDURUN 2022 - RACE FOR KINDNESS is expected to be held from April 12, 2022 to May 8, 2022. Runners can participate in running both offline and online, having...
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Controlling anger together with your children

In order to regulate emotions, at whatever age, much time and effort is needed. The previous article provided perspectives that help parents to be more understanding when children are angry. Parents can choose how to react to their children and guide them to gradually learn how to overcome...
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How do parents and children overcome “fear” together?

Fear is a common emotion in preschoolers, and learning how to manage fear is very important to them. Children's fears are diverse, from specific fears (animals, heights, shadows...) to imaginary fears (monsters, ghosts, "something under the bed"...), and new experiences (such as seeing a doctor, making new friends,...
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Understanding children’s temper tantrums

Sulking or getting angry when they are not satisfied with something are common expressions of preschool children. Those are natural human responses to external influences, helping them control their internal disturbances. Therefore, adults and especially parents should not list the emotions expressed by their children as good or...
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Does spanking really mean love?

It is an undeniable fact that parents always love their children. Many parents, however, tend to express their love for their children in a serious, even a harsh way. There is a saying that goes, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”. Does spanking really bring about love,...
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