Opportunities for the 30 most excellent students to participate in Young Leaders Camp in Australia

Wednesday, 28/02/2018, 00:02 (GMT+7)

Annually, the Vinschool Education System holds Vincamp to create chance for Vinsers to show their own abilities in leading change. With the topic of Vincamp 2018 “Leading change, sharing love”, the most excellent students will be granted scholarship which covers all the expenses to join the Young Leaders Camp in Australia.


The mission of Vinschool is to educate students to become responsible and ambitious citizens with enough personalities and capacities to live happily, successfully as well as strive for national development and global integration. Therefore, we always encourage our students to drive their thoughts and take actions toward their friends, their loved ones and their society in general. At school, students learn and seek for solutions to solve life’s challenges and difficulties.  In the society, they spend at least 2-4 hours per year to do community service projects. These activities motivate students to spread the positive things and to contribute their best not only to their families but also to the social development.

Sharing the same spirit, annually, Vinschool Education System holds Vincamp to create chances for Vinsers to show their own abilities in leading change. Vincamp 2016 was held in the United States, and the Vincamp 2017 was held in the United Kingdom.

In 2018, the most excellent students will be granted scholarships which covers all the expense to join the Young Leaders Camp in Australia. We would like to providesome detailed information about the Vincamp 2018 for parents and students as below:

  • Topic of Vincamp 2018:Leading change, sharing love.
  • Eligibility: All Vinschool’s students from 12-17 years old (6th to 11th grade), students should have good academic resultand conduct in the 1st Semester of 2017-2018 academic year. The students must sign up for this program individually.

To create more chances for students who have never received the grant to participate in the international camp, we do not accept the applications of students who attended the Vincampin 2016 in the US and 2017 in the UK. We encourage these students to participate as the “advisers” to accompany and support Vincamp 2018’s candidates. We will also hold a talk show with the participation of 1st prize winners of Vincamp 2016 and 2017 to share their experience with Vincamp 2018’s candidates.

  • Implementation method: students will propose and implement community service projects. The subject of the project can be about Vinschool’s students (projects to support Vinschool’s students in their studies and life) or other social issues (protecting the environment, building civilized communities, helping the poor…).
  • Requirements:
  • The projects must be implemented realistically and show the ability to spread around school/society. The students must show their leading roles in the projects.
  • The students need to report about the timeline of their projects. Vinschool will assign teachers to join the project’s activities andevaluate the implementation efficiency as well as the contribution of students in the projects.
  • All the projects’ documents, reports and videos must be made in English.


From 10th Jan 2018- 28th Feb 2018, students can fill in the online registration form HERE

Note: Each student can register 01 project only.


Project implementation round: From 10th Jan to 10th May 2018

  • In this round, students have to report on the timeline of their projects with detailed schedule of their activities (send to vincamp@vinschool.com). Vinschool will assign teachers to join the project’s activities to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation projects as well as the contribution of the students in the projects. Each project must involve at least 2 activities which have the participation of the school’s teachers. Students can register the projects which have already been runsince the 1st Semester (before 10th 2018).

2. Report round: From 10th May to 20th May 2018

Students will make the d reports to summarize their projects including:

  • One report in English (typed in MS) including words and pictures (within 5 A4 pages)
  • One video clip no longer than 3 minutes in English with Vietnamese subtitle or vice versa. The reports must be sent to us (to vincamp@vinschool.comless than 10MB) no later than 20th May 2018. We will select the top 40 projects to participate in the presentation round.

3. Presentation round: (expected in June 2018)

The 40 selected students will give presentations about their projects in English to the judges.

After the presentation, judges will choose 30 best studentsto attend the Vincamp 2018 in Australia.


  • 30 FIRST PRIZES: 30 students who have the best projects will be granted scholarships which cover all expenses to join the international camp in Australia in July 2018.
  • 02 SECOND PRIZES: 10 million Vietnam dong. In any cases, if the 1st prize candidates cannot attend the international camp, the 2nd prize candidates will attend an additional round to be chosen for the international camp (without 10 million cash).
  • 03 THIRD PRIZES: 5 million Vietnam dong.
  • 05 POTENTIAL PRIZES: 2 million Vietnam dong.


  • Receiving the applications: 10/1/2018- 28/02/2018
  • Announcing the eligible applications: 05/03/2018
  • Implementing the projects: 10/1/2018- 10/5/2018 (the projects can be implemented earlier than 10/1/2018)
  • Handing in the reports and documents: 10/5/2018- 20/5/2018
  • Announcing the top 40 projects: expected in May 2018
  • Presentation round: expected in June 2018
  • Announcing the final results: expected in June 2018
  • International summer camp in Australia: expected in July 2018


  • Studentsmay have the same ideas with other implemented community service project, butwe will evaluate the feasibility and practicality of the projects. However, during the project, students must not violate any copyrights of any other works. Creative projects will receive additional points from the judges.
  • The participants must follow the timeline of the program as mentioned above.
  • We reserve the rights to use all the information provided by students for marketing, PR and archive purposes.
  • In case of dispute, we reserve the rights to give the final decisions without any explanations to any sides.
  • We reserve the rights to change the timeline of the program to match with the present situation.
  • Each student can register only 01 project and be awardedmaximum01 prize. If the students or their authorized person do not attend the award ceremony, we will cancel the price within 03 working days.
  • The 1st prize (to attend the international camp in Australia) cannot be converted into cash.
  • If the 1st prize students do not continue their studies at Vinschool or drop out in the 2018-2019 academic year, the students must refund the program participation fee equivalent to 80 million Vietnam dong.
  • This is an international summer camp with the participation of students from many countries, all Vinschool students must follow the program’s schedule as well as the instructions of the officers and teachers.
  • The students who join the camp have the responsibility to organize the seminars at their classes or at school to share the knowledge, skills and experience they get during the camp.


For further information, please contact us:

Address: Vinschool Primary School – T35 Times City – 458 Minh Khai – Hai BaTrưng – Ha Noi

Tel: 024 3975 3333 (ext 6656)

Email: vincamp@vinschool.com

Microsite: http://vincamp.vinschool.com