Journalist Phan Đăng shared tips with parents on how to help children cultivate a consistent reading habit

Tuesday, 08/12/2020, 16:12 (GMT+7)

Developing a reading habit among students has been the focus of the entire Vinschool system since its inception. At this year's Book Week, journalist Phan Đăng has shared his reflection after being the speaker for a seminar on books and reading habits, organized by Vinschool Times City T35 Primary School.

“‘Why must we learn to read and write?’
‘To become a person who embraces national identity!’
A fifth-grader from Vinschool answered the question without hesitation. The speaker was indeed in awe!”


On his personal Facebook page, journalist Phan Đăng has shared his reflection after being the speaker for a seminar on books and reading habits, organized by Vinschool Times City T35 Primary School. He highly appreciated the fact that the students had a good awareness of the importance of reading, and believed it was the role of teachers and parents to provide support and nurture their passion for books. So, what should adults do to form good reading habits for young children?

nhà báo phan đăng
Journalist Phan Dang shares with Vinsers: “To feel the soul of our nation and develop a sense of pride in the country and people of Vietnam, we need to read more books about Vietnamese history, geography, and culture”.

Speaking on the role of parents in building reading habits for their children, journalist Phan Đăng highlighted, “Many of young children’s habits, such as walking, speaking, and behaving, are strongly influenced by those around them, be it parents, teachers, or friends. Hence, in order for children to develop reading habits, adults must become role models who actively oversee, encourage, and inspire children’s love for books. Adults, therefore, play a particularly important part in leading and cultivating children’s reading habits.”

phan đăng
Phan Dang’s witty and humorous stories really excite Vinsers.

He also suggested some useful tips for parents as follows:

  1. Each family should have one bookcase. Children see it in the house and have their first physical interaction with books.
  2. Parents should demonstrate their reading habits to children. Otherwise, they can hardly encourage their children to read.
  3. Parents should spare some time each day to read to children. That helps shape their reading habit.

At Vinschool, parents are given chances to accompany children in their learning, especially in reading activities. The school organizes a variety of activities to inspire students to read more. In particular, during the Book Week recently held across the Vinschool system, the Book Review and Role-play competitions and activities such as reading books with children, parents going to classes to share about books, etc. received enthusiastic support from parents.

Hundreds of stories and reading videos were widely circulated in parents’ online groups. Shared reading time really tightened the bonds between parents and children. Furthermore, many perspectives and experiences on how to maintain a reading habit were provided.

phụ huynh vinschool
School Managers of Vinschool Central Park Primary express thankfulness to parents who attend the Book Week with their children.

Mother of Tuan Khanh (Class 3A9, Vinschool Central Park Primary) said: “My son and I were excited to read books together. This activity means a lot to children and helps them acquire new knowledge very naturally”.

Students were also enthusiastic about parents’ sharing in their classes. After Ms. Vu Kim Cuc, parent of a Vinser from Vinschool Thang Long Primary School shared her thoughts on the book entitled “Be resilient every day”, Hoang Nguyen (Class 3A1) said: “I’ve overcome my shyness by signing up to be an MC and talent clubs. After hearing Ms. Cuc speak, I feel motivated to pass on my courage to others and determined to help 5 friends of mine increase their self-confidence”.

vinschool book week
Parents are very supportive of reading activities.

Ms. Kim Cuc shared: “This is my daughter’s first year at Vinschool Thang Long Primary, so this is the first time I’ve ever participated in this activity. Hopefully, I will have more chances to talk about good books in front of the little Vinsers”.

Developing a reading habit among students has been the focus of the entire Vinschool system since its inception. All campuses are equipped with both physical and digital libraries as well as reading apps where students can log in with their own accounts for individualized reading and learning. It is hoped that parents will lend the school a helping hand with nurturing a love for reading in young children.