Anti-Bullying Policy


1. Policy statement

The anti-bullying policy is formulated in order to:

  • Create a positive, friendly, open school environment that supports and encourages students to share as well as prevent violence and bullying at school.
  • Raise awareness of the whole community (including staff, teachers, students, parents & guests) that violence and bullying are not accepted.
  • Provide the procedures for handling of acts of violence and bullying.
  • Provide the procedures for recording and reporting acts of violence and bullying.
  • Collaborate with educational human resources and parents to support, resolve and handle cases of violence and bullying.

Therefore, all school staff, teachers, students and parents should be informed of the procedures to deal with violence and bullying. Anti-bullying posters should be displayed in appropriate areas of the school (for example, in hallways, inside/outside the classrooms…) Every signed report of violence and bullying is to be completed and kept on file. When necessary, reports of a serious nature are to be submitted to the appropriate authorities.

2. Principles of handling violence and bullying


Violence is defined as intentional acts of using force or power. It also includes physical, mental, sexual, linguistic violence that may cause emotional and physical harm.

Bullying is using physical or emotional strength to threaten or perform acts to hurt others with a view to controlling and maintaining power.

Forms of violence:

  • Material violence includes acts of causing damage to belongings, clothes, means of transport and money.
  • Physical violence includes physical attacks such as kicking, punching, hitting or throwing something at other people.
  • Emotional violence is related to words and gestures that are offensive, threatening, scolding, causing pressure such as intimidation, insults, humiliation and neglect.
  • Sexual violence can be divided into 2 basic types including sexual harassment and sexual abuse.
  • Sexual harassment is defined as any obscene messages, actions and gestures. It also includes intentionally offensive words or any sexual comments that threaten and insult victims (particularly sensual and soliciting language, etc.)
  • Sexual abuse is defined as acts of taking advantage of victims not able to give consent. (involuntary sex, rape, sexual teasing, and sexual touching of any part of the body etc.)

Forms of bullying:

  • Material bullying is to appropriate or destroy property, take and damage others’ belongings, steal money, jewelry or school stationery etc.
  • Physical bullying includes physical attacks such as hitting, kicking, slapping, pushing, throwing objects at other people, pinching, kneeling, spitting, etc.
  • Emotional bullying is divided into 4 types as follows:
    • Acts of threatening and forcing victims to do something.
    • Acts of making fun by humiliating other people; for example, spreading false rumors, embarrassing others in front of a crowd, name-calling and rude comments on appearance, etc.
    • Acts of isolating someone from the community, not letting him/her play with other students and take part in collective activities.
    • Acts that are designed to make students feel unconfident or undermine their self-assurance (humiliate peers due to their poverty, learning achievements and appearance, etc.)
  • Cyber-bullying is to upload distorted/compromising photos, videos, or personal information on social networks, websites or send out hurtful messages via cell phone or Internet, etc.
  • Racial bullying includes racism and cultural discrimination
  • Sexual bullying: includes acts of touching sensitive and private body parts, any obscene messages, actions and gestures etc.


  • School Boards and the Discipline Council will make disciplinary decisions for people who perform acts of violence and bullying. Forms of discipline will be assessed based on school rules and regulations, Student Discipline Regulations, and Internal Rules and Regulations of Vinschool Co., Ltd. Depending on the severity levels of specific cases, School Boards and the Discipline Council will make a decision on who participates in the process. In cases of an unrepeated single act of bullying/violence, School Boards and homeroom teachers will be in charge of the sanctioning decision. For more serious cases of bullying/violence, the involvement of appropriate authorities will be required.
  • The Student Affairs Office will be responsible for receiving all the complaints and allegations of bullying/violence or violations of this policy and reporting immediately to School Boards.
  • School Boards are responsible for conducting a thorough and complete investigation for each report on school bullying/violence. The investigation will be carried out as soon as possible after receiving the notice and report. The findings of investigation will be presented in a report form (see Appendix 2 below). School Boards can assign additional personnel to support the investigation. Within 5 working days, the Principal must submit the results of the investigation to their Line Manager.
  • The School Counseling Office will take responsibility for consulting and counselling School Boards, the Student Affairs Office and teachers on how to support victims and bullies.
  • Students, parents and school guests are encouraged to inform the Student Affairs Office of instances of bullying/violence. Reporters may be anonymous.
  • All teachers, staff, students, parents and school guests who report acts of bullying/violence and strictly comply with this policy will not suffer any consequences arising from cases not being resolved.
  • It is necessary for the Student Affairs Office to record the number and frequency of bullying/violence cases divided by specific types and report these in appropriate school meetings.
  • School Boards and homeroom teachers will provide parents with relevant information of any investigation that includes the nature of investigation, evidence of bullying/violence and consequences if the case is verified.
  • School Boards, teachers and school staff detecting or receiving notification about acts of bullying/violence and not reporting these to Student Affairs Office will be disciplined according to the principles of handling violations in the Internal Rules and Regulations of Vinschool Co.,Ltd.
  • School Boards, students, teachers, staff and guests who stimulate acts of bullying/violence will be disciplined according to Rules and Regulations for Students and the principles of handling violations in the Internal Rules and Regulations of Vinschool Co., Ltd.
  • In cases of bullying/violence, both victims and bullies should receive support and guidance from their homeroom teacher and the Student Affairs Office
  • False reports of bullying/violence, will result in the following disciplinary actions:
    • Students: homeroom teachers and the Student Affairs Office will remind and support them (if necessary), or give them a suspension or permanent exclusion (if serious).
    • School staff: the level of discipline is based on VSC Internal Rules and Regulations and the employment contract.
    • School guests and interns: the form of discipline and punishment is based on the nature, severity level and circumstances of the case.
  • This policy will be circulated and communicated to all school staff, teachers, students and parents annually, as well as posted on the school’s website.

3. Procedures for dealing with bullying and violence

The procedures described in the table below has been developed to ensure that all the acts of Vinschool based bullying/violence will be reported, resolved and supported both timely and effectively.

Case 1

Act of bullying/ violence is occurring

Case 2

Act of bullying/ violence has occurred

Case 3

Acts of bullying/ violence are

under suspicion

Step 1: Report Witnesses/reporters immediately report to Student Affairs Office Witnesses/reporters immediately report to Student Affairs Office Witnesses/reporters have informed Student Affairs
Student Affairs Office is responsible for reporting to School Boards,

Homeroom teachers and parents of related students.

Student Affairs Office is responsible for reporting To School Boards,

Homeroom teachers and parents of related students.

Student Affairs Office is responsible for recording,

reviewing, gathering

information and reporting to School Boards for further


Step 2: Investigate School Boards will conduct investigation as soon as practical after receiving the notification and report. (They may suggest appropriate personnel to support the investigation).
If the reported information is correct, the Principal will submit the results of investigation to Line Managers.
If the reported information is incorrect School Boards/ Discipline Council will take actions based on Anti-bullying policy, school rules and regulations, VSC Internal Rules and Regulations.

NB If the reported information is incorrect, personnel who notify or report will not face any consequences.

Step 3: Manage School Boards/ Discipline Councils make decisions on punishment for bullies according to Anti-bullying policy, school rules and regulations, VSC Internal Rules and Regulations.

Acts of bullying/violence that result in serious consequences will be managed according to Vietnamese law.

Step 4: Support Victims of bullying/violence cases have the right to receive homeroom teacher’s support. Bullies who perform acts of bullying/violence may receive homeroom teacher’s support.

The School Counseling Office is responsible for advising and consulting School Boards, the Student Affairs Office and teachers provide all the support that students need.

Step 5: Conclusion Student Affairs Office records the number and frequency of the specific type of bullying/violence and keeps them on file. The Student Affairs Office is responsible for reporting bullying/violence cases in periodic school meetings.

Please read more: Appendix 1; Appendix 2