5 Vinsers’ projects made it into the second round of the world’s biggest science competition

Saturday, 05/11/2016, 08:11 (GMT+7)

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) is the world’s biggest science competition for students from grade 9 to grade 12. 2015 marked the first year that Vinschool sent their students to this competition and five of their projects made it into the City Round.

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5  projects of Vinsers made it into the Second Round of the world’s biggest science competition for students – Intel ISEF

Intel ISEF science competition for students was first introduced at Vinschool at the end of September, 2015 and received great response from Vinsers. With their passion, they seriously carried out scientific research and built many scientific research topics that could meet the competition’s criteria. 5 projects made it into the Second Round (the City Round), which was very praiseworthy. However, what was even more commendable was that their scientific research topics reflect their high sense of responsibitity and their will to change the life surrounding them.

All the 5 projects revolve around students’ life issues; for example, the financial management skill project of secondary and high school students in Hanoi discussed the confusion that students experience in financial management. “Financial management is a very important skill in life but it has never been taught at school”, said Duc Anh, a student of Class 10A7, one of the project’s two authors. He made a questionnaire to carry out a survey and had his arguments based on the research of Nielson, a market research company. On the day of their presentation in the District Round, Duc Anh and Trong Nghia still took time to send their survey questionnaires to the students from other schools who also attended that round. Their project proposed to help teenagers spend their money more appropriately and effectively in order to avoid wasting it.

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On the day of their presentation in the District Round, Duc Anh and Trong Nghia continued to send their survey questionnaires to the students from other schools who also attended that round

Another hot issue mentioned was social networks. Tuan Son and Canh Duc applied social networks in the search for the most brilliant members in a community and hereby they could help others with their study. In order to create this project, they had researched new mathematical formulas and algorithms and asked for the help of their teachers when coping with challenges

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The highly-evaluated project on developing reading culture of Phan Le Ha Linh and Nguyen Phi Bang

The project named “Evaluating the effectiveness of Vinschool Inter-level School’s reading culture model” by Phan Le Ha Linh and Nguyen Phi Bang originated from their desire to build reading culture at school. To spread the love for books to other students and create a connection among the students, their parents and the school, the two authors proposed many interesting solutions; for example, the school to provide the list of good books to the students’ parents in order for the parents to read them with their children, or a mini booksheves in the classrooms, the book fair and the bookcase that crossed the space, etc. help spread the passion for reading.

There is also a unique project about the mindfulness technique to develop students’ self-study ability by eleventh-graders who cares about Buddhism. Realizing that the “mindfulness” technique in Buddhism helps people concentrate on studying better and have better results, Quoc Trung and Minh Anh proposed specific methods to help other students learn this technique and improve their concentration as well as study results.

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Quoc Trung and Minh Anh at the competition’s District Round at the Vinschool Inter-level School.

 Being interested in environmental issues, the project named “The application of 3R at Vinschool secondary and high school” by Ha Viet Bach and Luong Ha Tri Nhan proposed specific activities at households and at school so that each Vinschool’s student can spread the environmental awareness to their surrounding community. This project had been nurtured for a long time and they put their hearts and souls in it.

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“The application of 3R at Vinschool secondary and high school” a project that had been nurtured for a long time and the students put their hearts and souls in it

“Their efforts are very praiseworthy because this is the first time Vinschool has sent students to such an international-level science research competition. Vinschool always encourages and creates the most favorable conditions for the students but they are the ones that used their enthusiasm and the passion for doing scientific research to benefit the community and to convince the judges”, said Ms. Le Thi Thanh Tam, Vinschool’s Literature Program Director.

Once again, congratulations to all the Vinsers, the science lovers, who made it into the Second Round of the prestigious Intel ISEF science research competition. We hope you will keep your passion of researching and continue to have better achievements in the future.